Hi Chris, With my family and I everything is going really OK, especially in my relationship with my son. My family and especially my parents are so grateful and believe that your help was decisive for me, when all  changed. 

Chris, thank you for everything, I will never forget what you have done for me. My wish is to see you again some day, I have a picture of you in my living room!  If it is allright with you I will sometimes send you an email.


R     (Netherlands)


Dear Chris, I want to thank you for everything you gave me. In our 1 on 1's, where I for the first time shared my most lonely moments, where I wanted to cross over so much and yet was to scared to do it, with someone who has been there.

I remember you said: "There must be so much pain and sadness in your life". You were willing to step over to the unknown, other side, because it - in your belief - can never be worse than what you're in right now.

I felt such a connection. Thank you for letting me believe that you would catch me if I fall. Thank you for letting me feel and think about what "little S" needs, and what I need from myself to feel safe and loved. 

Thank you for sharing from your personal life. Thank you for all your inspirations, and sometimes very confronting sessions.

I have trust and faith in myself that I can do this. With all the relapse prevention I learned, I can't go wrong.

I thank you for all your love. I wish you well...



Huge thanks for your gentle care today Chris. My beloved B was so happy after her chat and told dad and I she felt so comfy talking to you. Big relief for me. Big thanks.



After our session I felt we had "ticked a number of boxes".  This left me very unsure of "where to from here?"

Walking this road with you has brought enormous benefits, growth, perspective and inner strength to me. I was a little nervous that we had ticked the boxes and I was sent off to go and do my stuff!

In "normal life" one never gets someone sitting across a table pointing out all the things you have done well. (To the contrary - when you get that kind of one-on-one feedback, it is usually to tell you where you can improve / or messed up.)  Hearing your positive feedback at some level leaves me feeling so amazed and on the other  side sets in motion a virtuous cycle of onward and upwards.  It inspires me to keep going and not to lose focus.   Thank you very much.  It means a great deal to me and has fuelled me to keep going.



Thank you for shaking me awake – in the most gentle way possible Chris.



Thank you Chris for creating the healing space which has allowed me to share so openly with you. I look forward to connecting with you again soon. You have been awesome. I also feel there is a shift in my beliefs which I never stopped still and challenged.

Thanks for bringing that to my awareness and now I see that emotional connections are  so much more rewarding and a sign of positive shifts.



I celebrated my 1 year clean last May. I am proud of myself. I enjoy the little things in life... and try to live in the moment. It is working.

I thank you for your therapy... you made me feel I can believe in myself again, step by step. I am so grateful :)



And yet again thank you for such a great session yesterday.  EVERY TIME I leave with some gem…. 

Thanks so much for your insight, compassion, encouragement and keeping me aware – when I leave your sessions, my head is clear enough to smell the wet Karoo soil again.



Chris, thank you so much for your contribution to helping me feel so whole. Your enthusiasm, quirkiness and honesty makes therapy quite addictive.


Dear Chris

Over the past 14 years I've spent a lot of time with counsellors. Only once or twice did I meet counsellors that really inspired me, that could reach me, counsellors I felt seen by. You are one of them. I can see you are truly interested in people, it is more than a job. You don't see diagnosis, but a person. With you I never felt I was less than you, you treated me as an equal. I want to thank you for everything and wish you an amazing 2016.

With love

C. (Australia)


Dear Chris

Thanks for the valuable words, wise and from somebody who has been there. And from the heart of course.

Take care, M.

​I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your wisdom, love, care, and shared experiences. It was very helpful and took a lot of anxiety away, especially the plan we worked out together.

I would like to stay in touch so I can show you what you have done for me. Thank you very, very much for everything.

L, from the Netherlands.​​




I do ZOOM sessions with clients world-wide.

Dear Chris, thank you for being you! I'm really inspired by your lectures - always made me feel positive, optimistic, and motivated to do something with my life, to live it, instead of being lived by it. I will certainly miss you as a person and as a Life Coach.

A     (Netherlands)

Chris, thank you for everything and to let me be here and to discover myself. You gave me the power to choose for myself and to live my own life.


​About being fellow travellers in a therapeutic relationship ...

Chris ek wil net VERSKRIKLIK baie dankie se vir als laasjaar. Ek besef nou eers als wat gebeur het en die goed waaroor ons gepraat het. Ons het nie vreeslik baie tyd saam spandeer nie maar in die kort tyd het ek so baie geleer by jou. Baie dankie dat jy elke week vir my geluister het en raad gegee het. Jy het eenkeer vir my gese dat ek nie nou alles besef wat gebeur en waaroor ons praat nie, maar dat dit eendag sin sal maak en iets beteken. Ek dink ek besef dit nou.

The things we discussed makes more sense to me now and sometimes I can't think that I said all those negative things to you. 

Thank you Chris, for all the sessions. It meant so much too me! 


C's song ... Home Again.

Written and recorded for her dad, during her time in therapy here in South Africa, from the Netherlands.



Dear Chris, I always find it hard to say goodbye to someone I have come to trust. Thanks for all your good advice. It made me a lot stronger. I will never forget you, thank you again.



Beste Chris. Heel erg bedankt om me elke keer weer de goede kant in te duwen. Ik heb heel veel aan je gehad, hier werd regelmatig "de vinger op de sere plek" gelegd.

Bedankt, ik ga je missen!

Met vriendelijke groet,

